Sunday, November 20, 2005

Juane Japanese Style

Juane Japanese Style
Originally uploaded by juanerubio.
I'm becoming more and more japanese every day that passes by... XD

Nowadays, japanese houses aren't usually this way (although I have tatami mats in my room...). This traditional japanese house was inside Edo-Tokyo museum, visitors could enter and admire sliding paper doors, tatami mats, low tables, etc. One could also wear a 'yukata', the japanese name for this piece of cloth similar to 'kimono', made of cotton and more informal than its famous relative.


Blogger e-ness said...

This one really has to be in Spanish (sorry):

Juane, estás igualito que Takeshi Kitano en Humor Amarillo. Sólo te falta una coletilla postiza en la coronilla (bueno, y que el yukata sea de colorines, claro) :P

Just kidding... you look really cool in that outfit! I wish I could try as well (I´ll try it someday!)

9:30 AM  

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